Eve - Tracker

Character info

menu_book Story

--- to be reworked but base concept is the following ---

Eve is a witch who is careful not to reveal her powers. Magic is a rare gift that requires extraordinary discipline and, sometimes, a little help from the gods.

Eve was taken from nature at an early age, barely able to open her eyes. From her point of view, she was born into a human tribe. A tribe isolated from the rest of the world, living in the northern reaches of the continent. Because of their proximity to the Maukai volcano, a source of heat that is as life-saving as it is destructive, the tribe forged a special bond with K'malou. Eve's first contact with the arcane was therefore with black magic.

Fascinated by mystical forces, she developed a thirst for knowledge. She decided to leave the tribe to explore the world and get answers to her questions. Answers she intends to get, no matter what methods she has to employ. She won't hesitate to experiment on living beings, profane tombs and desecrate ancient relics.

During her youthful travels, Eve realizes that the origins of the world remain unclear, but more importantly, as she develops her powers, she wonders... can a mortal destroy a god? Could she create an entity capable of killing a god?

During her long years of life, artificially prolonged by the magic of k'malou, she had no answers, until the day an unexpected encounter with an anomaly piqued her curiosity, and perhaps led her to reconsider everything she had taken for granted.

person Personality

  • Intelligent: Eve possesses a brilliant mind and is highly knowledgeable in both alchemy and forbidden arcane fields. Her intellect allows her to devise intricate plans and uncover hidden truths

  • Resourceful: Eve is adept at finding creative solutions to problems. She can think on her feet and adapt quickly to changing circumstances, using her vast array of skills and knowledge to overcome challenges.

  • Determined: Once Eve sets her sights on a goal, she becomes relentless in pursuing it. She possesses an unwavering determination that fuels her ambition and drives her to achieve even the most difficult objectives.

  • Manipulative: Eve is a master of manipulation, using her charm and deceitful tactics to exploit others for her own gain. She is skilled at pulling strings behind the scenes and bending people to her will.

  • Ruthless: Eve is unscrupulous and shows little regard for the well-being of others. She is willing to sacrifice anyone or anything in her quest for knowledge and power, often resorting to morally questionable actions without hesitation.

  • Self-centered: Eve's primary concern is her own interests and desires. She can be highly selfish and lacks genuine empathy for others. She sees individuals as mere instruments for her research and has little regard for their feelings or well-being.

  • despite her overall demeanor, Eve is not entirely devoid of affection. Her twisted version of affection is selectively bestowed upon a chosen few. For example, she displays genuine and almost motherly care for Hexe, considering them a unique specimen worthy of protection and study. She is capable of comforting and counseling Hexe on life decisions, only to swiftly demand their involvement in her experiments.

psychology Skills

Potion Mastery
Radiant Blessing
Sanctified resurgence
Elixir of Ascendance
Divine Corruption
Cursed Resurrection
Potion Mastery
Eve is an expert potion-maker, skilled in crafting intricate mixtures and elixirs with various effects. She can concoct potions that enhance her own abilities, grant temporary powers, or even alter the perception and senses of others.
Radiant Blessing
Eve taps into the power of the Snake Sprite, channeling its radiant energy to bless her allies. She can cast healing spells that restore fresh wounds. She can also create a protective barrier infused with the pure light of the white snake. The ward is not unbreakable, nor an absolute protection but it reduces incoming damage. However this exposed Eve to overexertion - Channeling the radiant energy requires a great deal of concentration and drains Eve's own vitality. After using Radiant Blessing, Eve experiences exhaustion and anemia.
Sanctified Resurgence
Eve harnesses the restorative power of the Snake Sprite to lock a soul into its body, prevent it from reaching Larkka's plane if the body is dying. With Sanctified Resurgence, she can't exactly revive fallen comrades she only prevents them from dying. This comes at a cost and has its limitation. Eve has only a short window of time to cast the spell before the soul leaves the fallen ally's body, a matter of a few seconds. Just enough to lock the soul in place and stop it from departing. Additionally, the revived ally will be disoriented and weakened for a long period of time, requiring convalescence. This is taxing on Eve's magical ressources resulting in her passing out for days.
Elixir of Ascendance
Drawing upon the essence of the Snake Hellion, Eve concocts a potent elixir that temporarily unlocks her hidden potential. When consumed, the Elixir of Ascendance grants her heightened spellcasting abilities, increased resistance to magical attacks, and a surge of dark energy that empowers her other abilities.
Divine Corruption
Eve taps into the forbidden powers of the Snake Hellion, corrupting her spells with dark energy. Divine Corruption alters the nature of her spells, turning healing spells into draining spells, protective spells into debilitating curses, and offensive spells into chaotic and unpredictable bursts of energy. Overuse of divine corruption causes a soul taint. The forbidden powers of the Snake Hellion takes a toll on Eve's own soul. Each use of divine corruption gradually corrupts her own essence, leaving a mark of darkness within her. Over time, this soul taint can manifest in physical and psychological consequences, such as increased vulnerability to holy magic and loss of empathy.
Cursed Resurrection
Eve taps into the unholy powers of the Snake Hellion, invoking a forbidden ritual to temporary raise fallen beasts as minions. Eve forms an unholy connection with them. This bond weakens her own vitality and drains her energy over time. The more minions she controls, the greater the strain on her own life force, causing progressive physical deterioration, such as withering skin and weakened constitution. Additionally, maintaining control over the undead requires continuous concentration and can leave her vulnerable to attacks and diseases.

groups Relationships


"I'm not sure how you really feel about me, but it doesn't matter, I want to have faith in you and trust you even if it's all make believe" - Hexe

To Eve, her relationship with Hexe is a unique blend of arcanic curiosity and genuine, albeit distorted, affection. She sees Hexe as a captivating mystery, both as an experiment and as her trusted assistant in her ambitious research endeavors.

Eve views Hexe as a one of a kind specimen with unusual reality-shifting abilities. She is fascinated by the potential of studying and experimenting on Hexe, delving into the depths of their powers to uncover the secrets of the shifter curse. In her eyes, Hexe represents a puzzle waiting to be solved, that has captured her intellectual curiosity.

Despite her predominantly cold and calculating nature, there is a peculiar dynamic of twisted tenderness between Eve and Hexe. She takes on a maternal role, appearing protective and caring towards them. Eve sees Hexe as someone to be safeguarded, not only out of genuine concern, but also because they offer a wealth of opportunities for her experiments and research. The reality shifter is not a mere experiment subject, they are "her little thing."


--- to be developped but Eve sees Eryx as a threat and hindrance in her plans---

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